Kinedu has partnered with experts in leading organizations across the world to ensure our activities, recommendations, and insights are all grounded in up-to-date science on the Early Years.
Research shows that early experiences form the foundation for future health and wellbeing - they literally build the architecture of the developing brain. Research also shows that when children interact with engaged and responsive adults, and are allowed to play and experiment, they thrive.
These interactions with adults - called serve and return interactions - form the basis from which children learn to interact with the world and cope with adversity. Serve-and-return interactions shape brain circuitry.
(learn more from Harvard's Center on the Developing Child)
Kinedu's developmental activities are developed by our team of early learning experts. Every video we film has two purposes: 1) to generate playtime ideas that work towards developing or strengthening specific milestones, and 2) to generate serve-and-return interactions that strengthen your bond with your baby.
In 2016, Kinedu partnered with Prof. Michael Frank from Stanford University to understand the effect the video activities had on parents and children. We found that our activities lead to increases in parents' attempts to engage verbally and non-verbally! (read more)
With support from MIT-Solve as a partner and investor, support from our research partner Michael Frank, and leveraging millions of milestone observations parents inputed into the app Kinedu developed our innovative Early Childhood Milestone Model and Assessment.
The Kinedu Skills® Model is different from other assessments out there in that it shows that development is multi-factorial, interdependent, and continuous. This means that the multiple developmental areas - cognitive, linguistic, social emotional, and physical - all interact continuously and build upon each other. (read more)
With Kinedu Skills®, we show families insights into development no other assessment can. In our progress charts, you will find every developmental area and skill plotted through growth charts with clear trajectories and variance - to give you peace mind that your baby is doing well.
In addition, Kinedu Skills® is the foundation of our Artificial Intelligence Recommendation Algorithm (AIRA), that generates a Daily Activity Plan that is right for your baby - challenging enough to build new skills, wise enough to repeat activities for brain-circuit strengthening, and fun enough for hours of playtime joy!